“Things are going downhill fast!” That doesn’t sound very good does it? Then of course, “it’s all uphill” doesn’t sound very good either…. It’s all a matter of perspective. If you are a mountain climber then all uphill might sound pretty darn good. If you are at Disney Land on the Matterhorn then going downhill fast is the only way to go!

I have had a rollercoaster of a week…. There were way too many things on my to-do list but all of them good. The week started with a Living Social promotion, then classes, getting my pieces ready to go to the caster, meetings, a lunch date with a friend that I don’t see often. Then an opportunity came up to teach at JOGS during the gem show so of course I needed to rush and put together a proposal, I took a fabulous class with Fred Zweig and I’m working on an exciting new venture with my friend Kaitlin from Kaitlin’s Creative Cottage…….(no I can’t tell you what it is but as soon as we have details you will be the first to know!) Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is that this week has been a wild ride full of ups and downs, twist and turns. It has been a hang on to your hat kind of week but oh boy what a ride! I could have been completely overwhelmed. If I had experienced a week like this a year ago I would have been annoyed and cursed my way through the entire thing. I would have been looking at my watch during lunch. I wouldn’t have enjoyed the class I took with Fred because I would have been thinking of all the things still undone on my to-do list. I would have only been marginally grateful for the opportunity to teach at the gem show because the timing of the offer wasn’t perfect. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to take on a new business venture; well you get the picture…. Somewhere along my path in life my perspective has a shifted…… I no longer see the glass as half empty. I don’t see it as half full either…there is still something just a bit contrary in me that wants to know, “What is in the Glass?”

Copyright © Mary Ehlers, Good Muse Designs all rights reserved.

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