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Here’s the sketch…. soon to be a pendant!  I would love to see what you have come up with that fits this theme.  If you want to know what inspired this sketch and/or participate in creating your own version please view the previous post.

Last spring I got called in for jury duty.  I have to tell you that this was NOT on my list of favorite ways to spend a gorgeous spring day in Tucson!  It didn’t matter, I found myself at the courthouse but to my delight, displayed in the main floor hallway was an exhibit of paintings done by high school artists and they were very talented young artists!  One piece in particular caught my eye.  It wasn’t the skillful way the artist captured her subject or even the subject of the painting, what drew me to the piece was the title……..RED FLIRT!  It conjured emotions of sexy playfulness and I couldn’t get it out of my mind until I had sketched a version of “red flirt” for myself.  I would like to invite you to flirt with me…. in whatever medium you create in, design a piece with the title “Red Flirt” and let’s see how different our designs are with the same subject matter!  I’ll post my sketch in a few days.  ~Marnie

Music is one of my favorite ways to take my work in a different direction.  I can start a piece with an idea in mind but depending on the music that is playing in the background it can take on an entirely different feel than the idea I started with.  This piece is a perfect example of how music influenced a design.  I started off with something old fashioned and Victorian in mind but I happened to be listening to oldies from the 60’s as I worked on it…. As you can see it morphed into something with a little bit of a “groovy” feeling….

Try this for yourself.  Take out a sketch pad and just doodle to different kinds of music…. Does music change the way you put designs on paper?

*Photo taken by Balfour Walker.

BLOG…….the word itself reminds me of a slimy, green place that I would avoid…blog/bog…my mind goes to the same place <shrug.> Sure I know they aren’t really the same thing.  Well in spite of myself and my over active imagination I have decided to take the plunge into the vast, murky depths of the cyberspace blog.  It looks so deep and menacing and I can’t see the bottom but if everyone else is jumping off the bridge….<holding my breath> I guess I would too…actually I was pushed, yeah that’s it I was pushed into the blog.  OK, I’ll admit, I really have no idea where these thoughts come from.  Often it is the same with ideas for my jewelry.  Like the Stay Puff marshmallow man from the Ghost Busters movie, “They just pop in there!”  But really, where does inspiration come from? In this blog we (and I say we because I’m really counting on this being an interactive blog) will explore and exchange ideas that inspire creativity.  I will share some of my pieces and the catalyst behind them as a springboard.  My hope is that you gain an understanding of my creative process and perhaps you will be inspired to create unique pieces of art in the medium of your choice.

*Photo taken by Brenda Kay