I’m talking about creator’s block,,, kind of like writer’s block except it’s about creating tangible “things” rather than creating using words. I often suffer from creator’s block….not creativity block where I can’t think up ideas, that is a different can of worms all together, but the actual act of getting into the studio and executing those ideas. I can come up with a million things to do instead,,, computer work, marketing, business stuff, housework, and then there are the excuses,,,, I don’t want to mess up the studio because I have students coming, I don’t have enough time before my dear husband gets here, I work better at night, I can’t concentrate because the @##$% (insert swear word of your choice here!) Dogs next door are barking….well you get the idea…
I’ve been talking to lots of artists about the “just do it” of making art and here are the top 5 ways to make art happen, in other words, how to chip away at the old block!
1) Do it with a friend… ask a fellow artist to join you in the studio for a work session.
2) Be accountable… join a group, ask a friend or family member to nag you, create a challenge like a piece a week posted to your web site or flicker photos and ask others to participate.
3) Take an ongoing class or even a one-time workshop in your medium or even in something totally unrelated to get you going.
4) Set up designated work times and stay away from the phone, computer, etc. during these times…then stick to it!
5) Reward yourself for working. This is really important for those of us that work for ourselves because we often don’t see an actual pay check from week to week for specific hours worked. (My reward goes something like this… if you finish ABC, LMNOP and XYZ by Thursday at 11:59 PM, then you can go play at the Creative Cottage on Friday!)
I hope this helps you all get started creating lot’s more art in 2012…. If you have any other great ideas on how to make more art, please leave a comment with your suggestions!
© Mary M. Ehlers 2012 all rights reserved.