I love my new image!Let me rephrase that… I look pretty good as a cartoon! Sometimes you just have to do something a bit different from the rest of the planet! I wouldn’t say I was stuck in a rut exactly but I wanted to shake up my creativity a bit so I started a “creative goddess” e-course with Leonie Dawson.  http://tinyurl.com/9k5t58d  It’s all about letting the creative goddess inside become all that she is meant to be. I have to be straight with you about all of this “goddess” talk…. it’s a little too “woo-woo” for me. I respect and even admire women that embrace the idea that they are goddesses. I would love to be a goddess, but I’ve been too deeply rooted since childhood in my Christian based beliefs to let it be me.

But the creativity aspect of it…I’m all in!

One of my weekly assignments was to visit the goddess of destruction, Kali, and make a transformation arrow…. When I saw this I was thinking, yeah right, just what I need a “destruction goddess.” What I found out is the lesson was meant to help us let go of negative things that are holding us back and boy oh boy, do I ever have a list and a half of the negatives but, I just couldn’t do the assignment the way it was assigned… One of the great things about all of Leonie’s courses is the “do whatever works for you” philosophy she embraces. So to make a long story short I met the goddess Kali and instead of a transformation arrow I did the sketch above…. There is a little part of me that had always thought I could never be a super hero because I might be tempted to use my powers for evil in a moment of emotion and then I’d feel guilty for it for the rest of my life. It was fun and cathartic to do this cartoon of myself. I was able to see all of the negative self-talk and thoughts that have been holding me back and take some steps to change them…. I’ve been practicing so if you have any self doubts you would like me to come over and blast away with my new laser beam affirmation eyes just let me know.  😉

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