Great things!

Lots of women love to go shopping for clothing and I’m not saying that I don’t like to get new clothes (although the people who see me day after day, year after year in the same wardrobe might argue with this) but I absolutely LOVE hardware stores! I can wander around Home Depot for hours and not just because I’m waiting for the guys from “Yard Crashers” to show up…… I tell my dear husband, Steve repeatedly that if he ever sees any of those guys, he had better bring them home! But what I really like to do is browse the hardware stores looking at tools and things that I can use for something other than their intended purpose. Here are some examples of my favorite finds:

wood scrap = texture.

yellow “things” = metal clay shapes and texture tool.

nail sets = metal clay granulation tools.

white toilet screw covers = things to dome metal clay.

electrical wire caps = flower press tools for metal clay (you have to file off the words first.)

silver bracket = jewelry sized t-square and straight edge.

I hope these inspire you to take a look around the next time you are in the hardware store and if you see those Yard Crasher guys from HGTV PLEASE, please, please send them to my house!

Copyright © Mary Ehlers, Good Muse Designs all rights reserved


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