When clients, students and friends come to the studio it doesn’t look like this….ever…. Oh sure the “not just another bad hair day” found object/mermaid sculpture is there along with my kindergarten diploma and a variety of other “interesting” odds, ends and artwork; but for the most part everything is put into some kind of order…. But when I am working, well let’s just call it like it is…. the creative fairies come out and mess it all up! Really, I have nothing to do with it and I can’t control them. They buzz around me pulling things out of the cabinets and drawers, trying different stones, textures, templates, anything they can get their tiny little hands on!  I am the neat and orderly type, the one that has a place for everything and nothing, I mean everything in its place…That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

BTW, for those of you that aren’t up on mystical creatures the Brownies are the ones that come in while you are sleeping and CLEAN THE PLACE UP! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownie_(folklore)  *note: If any brownies are reading this, you are welcome here ;D

Copyright © Mary Ehlers, Good Muse Designs all rights reserved


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