I can’t tell you how many times have I’ve asked myself that question (sarcastically) knowing full well the answer is……UM, NO!  Well, this year I decided to change that and actually expect the answer to be Oh YAAAAAaaaa!  So every week I take myself off to my friend Kaitlin’s for some artist play time, or take a day off where I don’t let myself  become distracted by studio gremlin’s, or I just go out for coffee with the girlfriends.

One of the fun things I did to start my year was at Kaitlin’s Creative Cottage.  (Find out more about classes here: http://thundermoonstudios.wordpress.com/) I took a class on making “aspirations” cards….. I was excited about this since I can’t really seem to keep resolutions.   I am happy to report that for the first two months of 2012, I am still committed to having more fun, getting more done, spending some time in the yard enjoying the sunshine, changing my perspective, deepening friendships, connecting with my family, learning new things, teaching new things, drink more water….. if I forget to do these things I just look in the box and pull out a card! Why not join me…… There isn’t a rule that says you can only make aspiration cards at the New Year!

Copyright © Mary Ehlers, Good Muse Designs all rights reserved



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