E-Z, Artsy Earring Groupon Class

When Groupon (http://groupon.com)  students come to my studio there are always a few students that are very “Artsy-Craftsy” types and a few that claim they haven’t a creative bone in their bodies…. These are usually the ones that receive their Groupon as a gift. I never believe them… NEVER! I know that there is some creativity in all of us just waiting for the chance to come out and play. Creativity is like anything else the more you practice it the easier it becomes. Kind of like exercising, only way more fun…. Can you tell that exercise is NOT my favorite thing? Ok, it’s not even on my list of maybe someday I will be good at this and learn to like it. My boys love it. Really, they don’t even think of it as the “E” word. They are athletic and have a natural abilities in the ‘anything sports related’ realm. I on the other hand, will resist it until it is the very last thing on my very long to-do list (OMG, I just figured out why I keep adding things to the list!) Believe me when I say that I understand the reluctance of some of the students that think they are out of their element. The great thing about the classes I do for Groupon is that unlike exercise, I keep them at the “no pain…no pain” level! Everyone leaves happy and wearing new jewelry. To some it’s a big, satisfying, surprise….. Hmmm, maybe I should try a yoga Groupon? Nah, I think I’ll go for the wine and cheese tasting or Jerry Bobs! (http://myjerrybobs.com)

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