Thing One, Amorous Earrings

We are only 2 and a half weeks into 2013 and I’m already behind on my New Years challenge…. What challenge you might ask? Well, I decided that this year I am going to make, and post (the posting is the real challenge for me) one thing a week. The worst part is I actually said this out loud, in front of witnesses; don’t ask me what on earth I was thinking! The making part I think I can handle… the picture taking and posting part, well so far, not so good. I had (still have) great intentions! I purchased a new DVD on getting the best jewelry photos with your smart phone. I haven’t had time to watch it yet, which might explain the less than stellar photo quality. I should also add that my 20 year old son, Darius pointed out, and I quote, “The smart phones are all smarter than you are, Mom!” I have absolutely no idea where he gets that attitude….it surely couldn’t have come from me, it must have been his dad…Ya that’s it, he got the attitude from his dad!  Anyway, I have high hopes of at least an 85% completion rate for this challenge. I also have high hopes that my photography skills will improve a wee bit and that I can post the pieces on my web site.

Now that I have committed (notice I didn’t say I should be committed…at least not yet) to getting more pieces made and posted, I am challenging you to hold me accountable! You don’t have to nag me…. just let me know once in a while that you noticed that I actually posted a piece now and then! I appreciate the encouragement up front.

Thing 2, the  mermaid sculpture below isn’t really quite finished yet but you get a sneak preview of her. Her body is Titanium, her head, hair and tail are silver and she is sitting on a piece of drift wood for the moment! When I finish her, I’ll post a picture in the gallery section on my web site.

Thing 2 Mermaid sculpture


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