Tucson Gem show is coming to town!

I’ve been driving past the city area of Tucson quite a bit going back and forth to physical therapy at Davis Monthan AFB. (The knee surgery was a breeze compared to physical therapy… PT stands for Pain & Torture…Really the tech told me it did!)  Each time I make the trip across town I see another tent popping up! Yep, when the gem show comes to Tucson the entire city becomes a circus… and I do love the circus, especially the fictitious ones, like one in the Madagascar 3 movie. That’s what the gem show is like for me so is it any wonder that the theme song Afro Circus keeps playing in my head! If you are planning on attending this year’s extravaganza you’ll want to check out my 10 best tips and tricks for navigating the Tucson Gem show from last year’s post. Don’t worry the information is still relevant for the 2013 show!

This year I will be teaching at JOGS! <—-click for a class schedule 😀

Copyright © Mary M. Ehlers, Good Muse Designs 2013- All rights reserved.

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